With great power comes great responsibility
I am notorious for using these
words occasionally in my conversations with friends and I know these are met
with rolling eyes and contempt too sometimes. But every time I use these words,
there is a deep, resounding quiet that resonates around- that not everyone has
the power to think about things, not everyone is given the power to act on any/some/most
of them, not everyone has the power to change what is beyond most others’
comprehension- to make a difference, to change the course of (a part of) the
world. And those who have been endowed with such a power are burdened with a
moral responsibility to ‘act’ in the greater interest of humanity. As Dante
famously sums up in his Divine Comedy, “The darkest places in hell are reserved
for those who maintain neutrality in times of moral crises…”
I was reminded recently that I
fall in the category of this elite few; I didn’t believe it one bit then. I am
still young, naïve and too small to make a difference- or at least that’s what
I thought I was. Then the same person also reminded me that events that altered
the course of history were brought about by people like me: young, small,
isolated; though the universe happened to conspire in their favour. And most important
of all, in a couple of months, a bunch of select few hundred people like me will
be handed power in a significant measure. It was then the curve ball hit me.
I must confess that what I’ve
been doing so far is not in the interest of the society or humanity- it was all
entirely driven by personal gain as the prime motive and a large part of the
gain I was planning on was monetary. Never- not but once- have I thought about
how my education or excellence would be of any use to others, but that one time
too, these thoughts were swept clear off my mind in a matter of minutes. I was
going with the flow- classes, lectures, cases, assignments, discussions,
sports, events, pastimes, trips, fun, friends, love, failing in many of these, grades,
jobs et al. Now that I think about it, I was not alone in any of these- the
whole set of the ‘few hundred elite’ around me was acting this same way, at
least apparently.
Of course there’s the occasional
professor who makes a fleeting mention of the true impact of this power we
hold, but they are overly cautious not to corrupt us with this ‘power-talk’.
There are subtle signs of what’s coming and how we will be mercilessly thrown
into the flux where no books help and no teachers guide us through. But as
always, subtlety is lost on us in most occasions.
Biotechnology, internet, climate
change, renewable energy sources, sustainable technologies, population growth, political
stability, public policy, and global business dynamics- these are very few of
the true problems facing humanity at this point of time and space. I’m
positively sure we are not trained to deal -our skillsets are hopelessly
inadequate- with these and what scares me is that we are expected to
understand, analyse, and have an opinion and a few feasible solutions ready-
all by the time we go out into the world.
The least we could do now is to
acknowledge the true demons that we face and grow beyond the pseudo-troubles
that bother us currently. There’s still time to make a positive difference. We
all face the same hells, just different devils…