Tomorrow Never Dies... or does it?!

A recent end-of-year retrospection showed me that as years go by, my activity on this blog here is turning sparser than ever, and so is the site traffic to my posts. This was only expected since people have moved on to alternate content formats - picture sharing on instagram, short format videos on tiktok or reels, and micro-blogs on substack, conversations in the form of podcasts (cringe!) or god forbid, revolting wisdom spewed on LinkedIn. What's more, blogging platforms themselves may be shut down sooner rather than later, as companies are caught between a dwindling audience and increasing costs to keep the tech running. 

While the world may have moved on to shinier new stuff, I find myself in an alien world - where folks don't have the attention span to read or listen to what I have to say. And yet, the written word is something I can't break ties with.  

I have recently found myself with a little too much time on my hands- more than I know what to productively do with. And with so much time, comes introspection and existential questions: 

What am I living for? 

What is the kind of work I want to do in the next decade? 

Do I have to get out of bed? 

and the like. 

In this new, changed and forever evolving world, I am compelled to re-think the purpose this blog serves, to an audience that may or may not exist in the near future. As I read a multitude of blogs on a wide variety of topics over the past few years, I am also inclined to review the format of my writing to suit shorter attention spans and perhaps, "get to the point quick". 

So here's what I would do - 

a. use this blog to write a series of lists: of things I have read, learnt, achieved, failed at, dabbled in and found myself passionate about
b. use bullet points: like I have been doing, teaching and advising others to do at work all these years

c. share my advise and tips to do things better: a la the half-blood prince's potions book crammed with tips and shortcuts, just for life and living

Over the next few posts, I would cover my reading lists for the past 3 years, the list of fountain pens and inks that I had come to collect, and a few of my wishlists. Eventually, I hope to return to long-form commentary about my experiences with career pivots and the chaos associated with navigating life changes. 

Ad Astra, Ad Infinitum!




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