We are the roles we play

“All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts….”
-Act II, Scene VII, As You Like It,
William Shakespeare,

We are defined not as a set of characteristics or traits, not as a sealed package by others. Instead, everyone sees us for the discrete, granular roles that we play in their lives. The ‘package’ that we see in our own heads is our own perspective of all the roles we play in the lives of all the people we know.

You may be a caring child, a sincere student, a loyal friend, a passionate lover, a dedicated employee, a pleasant boss, a doting father and a responsible citizen: each of these roles call for a set of characteristics and need you to act in a manner that suits the roles you choose to play.

Ain't that why someone we hate from the guts is liked by some others, why some fall in love with people that just don’t care, why some people buy goods that others absolutely detest, why there is such a huge variety of everything, why someone who is highly successful in his profession has a ruin of a family life and vice versa, why there are no absolute good/bad human beings?

This might sound uncannily similar to the concept of core competency for businesses- something that one company can perform much better than any others and can keep doing that way. So, if your teacher always vetoes you to be the class coordinator; if one of your friends seeks you to fix a problem and doesn’t bother to even talk to you otherwise; if your children call you only when they need pocket money; if your boss directs all the yelling clients to you - it could well be because that is what they find to be your ‘core competency’.

And just as difficult adding a core competency could be to a business, so is migrating to a different role in a person’s life- not impossible, but definitely not easy. And of course, everyone can’t be everything. The trick is in choosing what roles to play in which acts and putting together a balanced package- in our heads, that is.

18th February, 2014


Sagar said…
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Sagar said…
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Sagar said…
MachMan, Bhai dil ko chhune wala post hai. How could I not experience the great thinker in you? MaCh, Keep writing and putting the complex truths in life in a simple form. Cheerio!

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