A Peace of my mind- Corporate Survival 10+1

I know I’m not the best person to be writing this, but it is time someone did it. So, here it is- Some advice to the first timers:
1. Feel things, don’t think much
This would help improve intuition, which is certainly a very important asset and also avoid overly complicating things.
2. When in doubt, Ask
Never guess. Guesstimates are best left to consulting case competitions. Even if you are required to make assumptions, make sure you get the approval of your boss (or someone who can cover for you)
3. Make friends
Another asset, the importance of which cannot be emphasised enough. You never know who would come to your rescue when you need most.
4. Never let your guard down
Just because they are friendly and welcoming doesn’t mean they are not evaluating you. They have eyes and ears on you, at all times (particularly in social occasions)
5. Be humble
The way you treat people below you tells a lot about you than you can ever think about. Call it ‘Humility’, ‘Equity’ or whatever, respect others for their age, knowledge, seniority and yes, designation too.
6. Communicate
You are required to take decisions independently; nevertheless, you are implicitly expected to keep the concerned people in loop. (‘CC’ and ‘BCC’ is what I’m talking about)
7. Know when to speak up and when to shut up
It’s not always right to speak or stay quiet. Keep your eyes and ears open.
8. Respect other cultures
The better you appreciate, imbibe and respect the diversity in people, the better you become, as a person.
9. Politics
Very much a part of life. But the more apolitical you are, the better off you’ll be. Politics are not worth the mind-time or mind-space. But be aware, you can be played.
10. Always have a Plan-B
Most often, the best laid plans end up blown to bits. Factor this into your plans and be prepared.
+1. Plan redundancy and backup
No matter what people say, it’s always better safe than sorry. After all, it’s your ass on the line.



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