Travel Diaries 1.7: Work
The farce called the 'Case Method' Now, this may attract the ire of all who swear by it and many more who find it enlightening or even amusing, but here is what I feel, and not without reason: The ‘Case Method’ of instruction followed in most institutes of national and international importance and repute is starkly incomplete and in its current form- a FARCE! Firstly, problems in real life- the kind we face every day at work and in life- don’t come in neat little packages, like cases do. Anyone who has attempted solving cases would agree that we are oft encouraged to work with only the information contained within the case, sometimes even castigated for not toeing the line. And most cases give more than sufficient information (which is useless most of the time) and even go as far as listing out the issues that need be thought about. This, I found, is not the case in the work I’d done- very few knew what the problem was, most of the time and nobody ever had the complete...