What's new in a new year?

A few years ago, I made public a question that has been tormenting me ever since I was able to think :
"What's 'new' in a 'new year'?
And understandably, I received you-must-be-crazy-or-dumb-looks in no less numbers 

Every year, when people across the world celebrate new year- most cultures more than once a calender year- I tried to fathom why people behave so stupidly this time of the year (Trust me, I'd seen people do some really weird things that they would not usually do). Well, for one, it is just another damn day and we all have to go to school/college/work again. For another, the year actually changes a quarter to three quarters of a day later (#leapYearAdjustment). For yet another, we all have to go through the tedious process of getting new calendars, diaries, planners, greeting cards, subscriptions et al. (Yes, I'm lazy!)

They say, "Hope keeps a man alive" and so I convinced myself that it must be hope that people see and celebrate in the new years. But this "hope" thing is quite capricious and evasive, you see, it never is apparent nor is it present with those who need it most.

The last time I pondered over the question, I had just had a really bad year and the more I thought about the things that were, things that are to be appeared more bleak and unwelcome. The Hope theory failed me. And there I was, with my long-believed answer thrown out of the window; left with the question that now seemed almost rhetoric.

Then came the next year-this last year- which was 'eventful' to say the least. The events started within 10 days of the new year starting and continued till the very last day of the year. I never had a moment's respite to sit back and think about them all. Hectic, Frantic, Chaotic, furious, feverish, riotous, tumultuous- all these barely begin to explain the scenario. This year had been far from easy- obstacles all the way, none small; doubt and directionlessness in more than one occasions. 

Yet, through all those, I emerged alive and if a little vanity is granted I shall say I am now successful, happier, stronger and better.

Amidst all the theories I am deluged with, I don't have one that could answer the question for everyone (now totally rhetoric). But I have an answer to the question that addresses me now:

I have : 1000 new people, 55 term exams, 24 courses, 3 terms, 2 cities, 1 internship besides loads of fun, many friends and lots of books to look forward to. These are 'new' in my 'new year'....


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