A Tribute to an amazing teacher- Prof. A F Mathew

I can't really say that I haven't had wonderful teachers. If not for them, I would never have been whatever I am.
But here is the best of them all... Prof A. F. Mathew, the sociology professor. One lecture of his and you can never forget him for the rest of your life.

We go to his lectures with mind as tranquil as a placid lake. And we come out an hour later in a raging storm of thoughts. He tears down all your prejudices, one at a time. One month of learning from him and the change I feel is palpable.

His views in his own words: http://chroniclesofdementia.blogspot.in/

If there is one thing that I loved consistently over the past month at IIMK, it is Prof. Mathew's lectures. I am beginning to love myself for choosing Kozhikode...


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