Why any new SNS site becomes so popular

Social Networking Service (SNS) as I knew started off in a big way with Orkut, then moving on to Facebook, Indyarocks and a few more.
Other genres in the SNS scenarios are LinkedIn- Professional Networking and Twitter- MicroBlogging, to name a few.

We have seen how popular FB is and how fast it became that what it is today. Fb achieved that level of usage and popularity as Orkut in about half the time. And a recent article in a reputed magazine reports Google+ users as a little over 3 million in a few weeks after launch, 20 million in the first month and over 25 million a few weeks later.

So, it would only be logical in saying that a(any) new SNS would become very successful provided it is competent enough in the primary criteria (looks, ease of use, features etc.).

One other noteworthy revelation is the demography of users in the SNS and how it is evolving. Primarily, that concerns the ratio of men to women; also it may deal with the age groups of the people registering and networking actively in the SNS.
Google+ got thrice as many women as men registered onto the network during the first 2 months of its launch. The ratio isn't much different now.

So, what makes a "new" SNS so popular, particularly to a segment of users?

One of the reasons could be the anonymity and privacy offered by a relatively new Networking site. An SNS that is very popular and reasonably old is almost certain to have people such as parents, uncles, aunts and worse still  ex-'s registered. Are you sure your posts, photos and comments do not fall in the wrong eyes/ears/hands?
 Personally, I've seen that this leads to our being very conscious of what we put up in the sites (read Fb/orkut/etc.).
 End Result - we don't post/upload info as freely in the site as we once used to.
         On the other hand, a new SNS is devoid of any such watchful eyes (hopefully for an year or so). And that is where we find the freedom that we so much desire.

This could possibly explain the gender and age-group demography of the new(er) social networking sites (read G+)- girls find fewer stalkers here and teens find the much needed 'freedom-from-the-watchful-eye'.

What's more, a new SNS would probably be accessible from the workplace network (not blocked yet)- that means you can post freely, whenever, wherever..with not much to worry about except for people watching over your shoulder :O.

Perhaps, that explains why any new networking service that is worth its salt (domain-space) becomes popular. Facebook, Twitter and Google+ are only a few that have taken this advantage and put it to use successfully.

That's all for now folks. Stay hungry, Stay foolish!


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