Power and Trust- A Lost Case
“Loving someone is giving them the power to break your heart, but trusting them not to.” – Julianne Moore Well, this ain’t just love. It happens everywhere- Be it in politics, administration, business, and relationships. When you give someone power over you, and expect things to NOT go wrong ever, perpetually- you are being stupid. As simple as that. Politics: We elect politicians ourselves. Some countries like India have a pretty messed up system of election, some countries like the US spend months of time and billions of money in the process. But is there one country in the world that is totally, absolutely (or even relatively) satisfied with their leaders? People are dissatisfied everywhere because some leaders of nations bring wars, some bring disasters through their stupidity, some have able, accomplished minds but no voices, some are there just for personal gain- the list just goes on. Now, we gave them the power. We trusted them to work for the common good while we ...